This week's prompt for
GBE2 is Review.
I want to show you something.This was a few days before Christmas. Trey asked to spend the night. He requested that the Christmas gifts remain in the guestroom with him. I didn't see the harm in it. When I arrived to collect the mugs of hot cocoa, this is what I found. He said to me. "Since the gift is almost already opened, I should open it all the way and play with it." I learned my lesson.
I remember the 90s and early 2000's when I thought reality shows were the portents of the demise of the US culture. Of course my beliefs were strengthened when the Twilight series was made into movies. With that being said, I am now finding myself completely hooked on shows like Gigolos, Bridezillas, RuPaul's Drag Race, Jerry Springer, and Cheaters. Oh god, I love Cheaters. And Gigolos is amazing.
For the past month or so, I have been recording
Lo Que No Podia Amaron the DVR. I have never been a serious fan of soap operas but these telenovelas somehow, somehow they are different. On occasion, I try to watch the shows while preparing for work. Eh. Not so much. The language barrier is too much to endure while applying my foundation.I had to stop.
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So everything changed for me this week when two events occurred. 1 Univision announced
English subtitles on its popular telenovels and 2 I contracted bronchitis.
Finding myself out of commission for an entire week, I decided to watch the show while convalescing. Now that I can read the daily recaps on
Caray Caray and and the English subtitles for myself,I can provide a review of the blog's helpfulness and accuracy.
Therefore this is my review of Caray Caray.
From reading the comments, I assume that the majority of the followers read Spanish or otherwise understood the novela prior to reading the recap.This makes me feel like an new member of an old clique in a way.Hopefully, I will catch on quickly and will be able to contribute to the discussion, soon.
The blog recaps popular telenovellas in English. The writers provide no spoilers. Each telanovela has three to five recappers. Each recapper has a style and uses specific nicknames and other terms. The recaps provide an entertaining review of the day's episode.
The blog itself boasts a simple layout.:Perhaps, too simple. On one hand, you can simply navigate the left column to find your favorite telenovela's recap feed.The colors are easy to digest. Even if I don't like them.
Despite this, I find the site's setup a bit confusing. It is hard to just click on the most recent recap for a show. Admittedly, since I subscribe to the feeds, I can avoid visiting the site and its color scheme.
To locate the archives, I have to scroll to the VERY end of the site.
Valuable space is used to present pictures of the recappers and pictures of popular characters from telenovelas on the left column. Just the pictures. The images have no associated hyperlinks to take us to the personal blogs of the recapers or to the any websites of the shows. It is just about the Caray Caray site and nothing else. The purpose of the site is written quick and dirty at the top of the main page. I can appreciate a site that doesn't think too highly of itself while doing an excellent job of entertaining its readers.
The recappers have been compiled to impart
their humor and observations. I know this because today, I watched the show with the English subtitles first. At each commercial break I read the recaps. Good times. Good times. I could drink tea with the recappers and find myself wholly entertained.
Here is a sample from
Rohell, obviously a bundle of nerves about his pending nuptuals, is drinking in solitude. Tia MeniRosa decides this is a good time to schmooze him and gush about how she's looking forward to him being her nephew. Rohellio is in no mood for her syrupy, insincere familiarity. He grumpily tells her to stop calling him "Rogelio," It's SEÑOR MONTERO to you, b*tch! Okay he didn't say that last part.
As you can read, the recapper affectionately refers to Rogelio as Rohell, an obvious play on the Spanish pronunciation of the soft G and the fact that he is a dick. She and one other recapper call his fiance Cupcake, referring to her glossy mane as "frosting." Another recapper refers to Rogelio's Ex as "Vain-essa." It took me a few episodes to realize that the spelling was intentional and not the Spanish version of the name.
Ignoring the toying with the names of the characters, each of the recappers does an amazing job of writing exactly what they (and I) were thinking while watching the show.
The manager of the site have found a consistent group of contributors for each of the shows. The site updates fairly consistently but one can subscribe to the rss feed of a particular show.
The comments on the posts are very interactive. The blog has quite a few regular readers. The commentors leave remarks that are sometimes English 401 worthy.
Prior to the English captions, I relied heavily on the recaps to explain when facial expressions, my 8 semesters of college Spanish translations, and body language were not in sync. I only follow one show as of now. I will be adding
El Talisman, a show that debuted this week on Univision and
Caray Caray. I am excited to follow a new show from the beginning.
El Talisman's description of the opening scene from Caray Caray
From a distance, we view a woman riding a powerful brown and white stallion across an endless sea of green farmland. The camera zooms in on a slow motion shot of the galloping horse’s legs, and then fades into a close-up shot of our heroine, the beautiful Camila. With wild hair, blowing in the manufactured wind of a large industrial fan, our heroine (who now appears to be riding a rocking horse), turns and looks back when she hears her name frantically shouted from a black jeep! Total beauty shot! Tyra banks would be so proud! According to her brother, Armando, people are at the house taking their things!
I love this site!
That is my review of a little website I found to help me to enjoy my telenovelas a little better. Something that hasn't occurred since that first college level Spanish course back in 1989.

Cyanide & Happiness @