I think that I am going to put the police non-emergency number on my speed dial.
A few days ago, I was awakened by the sounds of a hollering man at 4 am. it was very loud. I looked out the window to see if some hooligans were outside of my house. I wanted to check on my housemate's car. The last time I heard voices, her car was vandalized.
I didn't see anyone.
Just heard the voices. Lots of F-bombs.
Lots of F-bombs.
I shut the window.
Still more F-bombs and pleads to "hear my out."
It sounded like someone was being kicked out of the house.
I turned on my porch lights to alert the jerks that someone was awake and could hear them.
The voices got quieter.
After about 30 minutes, I hear the male voice say "I am going to leave."
I hear this for another 20 minutes.
I look for the telephone book because I have to be at work at 8:15 am. I didn't want to call 911 so I had to look up the non-emergency number.
I am sitting on my bed with the phone in my hand. It is now 5:05 am.
I hear what sounds like a car starting.
Yippee. The jerk is leaving her alone.
I place the phone on the charger and turn off my bedroom lights.
I don't hear the sound of tires.
More "I am going to leave" statements.
Shoot. I was tricked.
I am furious.
5:10 am
I hear the sound of wheels on pavement.
Freedom and normalcy at last. I drift off to sleep...
6:00 am. My damn alarm goes off.
8:40 am, I stumble into work angry and tired.
I called the VDenks and told them about it, they live closer to the Eastsideneighbors. Leez heard nothing.
When it started up again last night, I turned on the AC and hid under my pillows. But the drama got the better of Leez and she listened intently to the argument.
Since they argue in the streets, I have no problem posting the amended transcripts (as told b Leez VDenk) of their argument here:
Female: "I can't open the door, it is all foggy."
Male: "I just want to leave"
Female: "You are always trying to leave."
"Just take off"
"Go hang down to the bar and hang out with all the drunk bitches"
Craft Updates
I am working on a hat for a friend. The hat hates me. For some reason all my attempts at crocheting a hat this year have gone horribly wrong. I actually had to consult a pattern. <
My birthday was last week.
These are the swap packages that I received.Swapperneckers
Cancer Swap
Google Plus
I told you so
Friday, July 24, 2009
Posted by
The Frizzy Hooker
6:50 AM
Almost Forgot to Tell You
Monday, July 6, 2009
About the the new neighbors across the street....
I expect to have lots of entries dedicated to them this year. I will tag them EastSideNeighbors.
For my first entry I want you to imagine sitting on the front porch on a lovely summer day. The cross breeze is flowing through the porch and there is a glass of lemonade on the table.
Now look at this
The Eastsideneighbors have a cute little boy. This is his bike minus the training wheels. I can see the bike all the way to the end of the block. It is a good bike for a small kid.
Now look at this >>>>>
The two are not related, right?
Add this image
Got that?
I am going to add one more image to make sure that you understand what I am trying to convey.
Do you have all of that?
Okay, imagine me sitting on my porch. Drinking a glass of lemonade. As I place the glass on the table I look up and see......
A grown ass man wearing a wife beater and saggy sweat pants riding down the block on his kid's Hulk bike carrying 30 can box of Budweiser.
Posted by
The Frizzy Hooker
4:52 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hi everyone, I thought you might enjoy this episode from TruBluSigmas podcast. Click this link to check it out: http://trublusigma.podOmatic.com/entry/2009-06-25T23_44_07-07_00

Posted by
The Frizzy Hooker
8:14 AM