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Cat People

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I offered to give to a friend of mine some of my errant daylilies. I took out the pitchfork and started stabbing into the ground. A cat jumps from out of nowhere. I think nothing of it as I look for more daylilies that are growing unchecked in my lawn.

I stab, tilt and lift daylily after daylily for my frend. Just before my final stab, I see them. The newborn kittens that the cat had left.

Just so you know.

Kittens are only cute on tv and calendars. Kittens in real life are a hassle. They run all over your house, make a lot of noise and a lot of damage. Kittens in your yard are worse. They are feral unless you can catch them and put your scent on them. They live in your yard and then they go into heat and have their own babies.

My neighbor Linda and I were trying to stop this problem. She has had kittens living in her garage for a year now.

So I went to the Human society and got a cat trap.

Seriously. We set it out and waited. While we waited we discovered three more kittens behind her yard bringing the total to 6. After we caught the mom cat we gathered the kittens and took them to the society.


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