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Compost Bin

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

You never know how crazy your neighbors are or why people like to congregate in front of your yard until a holiday. First, my yard. I had never really looked down my street but now it is obvious that i do not have a tree in my front yard and neither does my neighbor across the street. We are located in the middle of the block and our lots make a small clearing among the trees. Perfect for fireworks. Too perfect, because they were lighting fireworks until Midnight. There was a mess of crap everywhere.

I am dead tired today. No, it is not that the fireworks kept me up. It was the outdoor party that followed it. All night. Well past 2 am. Not that I don't like my neighbors or that I want them to move. I had a bad night that occurred unfortunately the same night as their after hours (in the front lawn) party.

On the other hand, I did learn a lot about one of my neighbors and why the family has had so much (loud & drunk) company lately. She lost her grandmother recently and is still in mourning. The funeral opened a lot of wounds about her childhood- as most major life events tend to do.... I can't make her stop and deal with the pain but I am glad that the Fourth is over.

I am also happy about the Fourth being over because there are no more firecrackers to sweep off of my lawn. The cats are running all over the house every time a firecracker pops. And no more idiotic $.15 messages wishing me a Happy Fourth. I knew that it was the Fourth because I had the day off of work, my neighbors hung all of there flags out, everyone barbecued and there were fireworks displays.

In other news, I had only three volunteer tomato plants this year in my garden. I big difference from the 200 or so that I had last year. Funny thing. I threw all of the rotten tomatoes into the compost bin last year. You know where this is going right.......?

That is right. I have a buttload of volunteer tomato plants growing in my compost bin. And guess what..... It is a common problem. I googled it on day and found several links about what to do with the plants. Most people do not want to kill them. Some think that they will grow puny tomatoes or carry disease. I just think that the whole thing is funny. I have given a couple away with a disclaimer and turned over the rest.

I have tomato plants in my compost bin and fireworks debris in my lawn. I have slugs and buried cups of beer in my garden. I hide from the little neighborhood girls that like to talk to me when I water my lawn and enjoy drinking rum with my neighbor. I miss my housemate all the time and soon my old roommate will be moving out of state. I will miss her, too. I am still receiving phone calls from Imakronicliar about his clothing.

I guess with everything there is something else, too.


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