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My Award

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Musings of a Fat chick nominated me for an award.
Who, Me?

It is called the The Honest Scrap Award and it has rules.
I do not make this stuff up.

1. Pick 7 or so blogs that make you happy
2. Let them know and post their names on your blog.
3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

So my list of blogs that make me happy -

1. Dooce - I read it everyday.
2. LILIbou
4. H3Dakota
5. Sue the slow knitter
6. When Suburban Girls move to the city .. This blog is on facebook
7. DCSKnits
8. dixiepeach
9. Fernmonkey

1. I have a beauty kiss on my nose
2. I am a hooker
3. I am a terrible flouncer
4. I have trouble with gauge
5. I have crazy guilt when I go over the swap limit
6. I am hooked on paranormal romance novels
7. I know that hoar, Libilou - Actually, we have never met
8. I am a xenophobe
9. I fear zombies but not vampires because they are not real.
10.I think Fernmonkey has a great life


rdxdave said...

Thanks for the award

Anonymous said...

Oooh, smoochies back atcha, babe! You totally deserve a bewb flash!!
(º)(º) :D

p.s. Awesome, a fellow paranormal reader! w00t!

Fat Chick said...

But you are such a great swapper! OMG, I still am all kinds of thrilled over my swap, and I LOOOOOVE the necklace and the bag and the yarn and the other yarn and the candy and the chocolate and and and...!!!

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